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No Bones About It!

Lindsay Mazza

Comfy Carepacks, the nonprofit leaving paw prints on our hearts.

Its a dog-eat-dog world, a message that the heartwarming up-and- coming nonprofit, Comfy Carepacks, knows all too well. What started last year as a small dedication to the founder’s beloved rescue pets—the late Carmelo and Coco, has turned a corner and bloomed into a remarkable, reliable source of community advocacy for homeless pets and their well-intentioned owners.

Did you know that anywhere from 10-25% of homeless individuals are proud pet owners?

“ The Homeless will often do anything for the pets, including going without food so their pets can eat”

- Tara Smith

Clearly, these pets are well loved as they offer a sense of companionship, comfort, and protection to their owners during their difficult times.

Comfy Carepacks understands the necessity of this community issue, and actively strives to help. Currently, the nonprofit is seeking to involve other organizations and shelters to take part in distribution efforts. No bone about it! Comfy Carepacks delivers urgent and essential pet supplies to homeless individuals, simply out of the kindness of their hearts.

Founder, Tara Smith states,

“The bond between owner and pet is unbreakable”

“Because of the companionship and comfort I know pets provide to their owners, I wanted to focus on animals whose owners may not always have the means or resources to provide some of the basic necessities needed for a comfortable life. I have spoken with many people who would happily give up a meal to make sure that their pet had something to eat.”

Comfy Carepacks caters to homeless individuals with pets living in the downtown Los Angeles area as well as the surrounding communities. The care packs are unique, in that they contain items specific to the individual needs of the pets! Pet goodies ranging from blankets, pillows, dog bowls, food, and chew toys are also included.

The homeless love their pets just as much as anyone. To help make a difference, visit to find out how you can put your best paw forward.

Your furry friends will thank you!

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